
Visit Guide to Hiking Mukshpuri Peak

Mushkpuri Top is a high mountain in Nathia Gali. The view at the Mushkpuri Top is mesmerizing and it is a considered one of the best place for hiking. Track for this high mountain is excellent for summer and it’s safe for families as well as couples. This peak is just above Dunga-Gali in area of Ayubia National Park.

Main image: Hidden ragnar, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Getting There

Track to Mushkpuri Top start from Nathia-Gali through green pine forests. Once you reach Nathia-Gali, there is an hour long but safe track to the top. It is a four kilometers 2.5 miles of climb from Dunga-Gali. Another track starts from the pines hotel in Nathia-Gali Spiraling upwards through the beautiful green pine forest displaying natural beauty.

What to Expect

Mushkpuri Top is full greenery and is rich with fragmented flowers the way to the top is very breath-talking and it seems like a carpet full of flowers. There is a water pond at Mushkpuri Top which gives beautiful reflection of tree and the sky.

People often use it this will to experience mesmerizing view and a lot of people also visit Mushkpuri Top for camping. Plenty of wood, green ground and uncountable clear star and night makes it perfect place for camping.


Mushkpuri Top is the second hill of Galyat the only hill higher than Mushkpuri Top is Miranjani. It is approximately 9452 feet (2800 meters) above sea level. Much of the mountain covered with western Mushkpuri is well-known for breathtaking view of the landscape along with lush Green Mountain full of berries bushes and wild flowers.

Facilities Available

As Mushkpuri Top is a hill and people can only reach there through track there are not much facilities or services available at the location.