
Visit Guide to Ivanovka Village

Ivanovka, a very charming small village in the hills of Ismayilli region, was founded in 1847 by Russian Molokans. Famous for its rich Molokan heritage and being the home of the last kolkhoz (a collective farm) in the Caucasus, Ivanovka is also renowned for the high-quality dairy products, wine and other delicacies produced here.

Getting There

2.5 hours and you will find yourself in the small village of Ivanovka in the Ismayilli region. An inter-city bus traveling from Baku to Ismayilli will get you to the centre of Ismayilli city, from where you may take a taxi to Ivanovka. Alternatively, you can always travel there by car.

What to Expect

Ivanovka is all about the heritage of Molokan people – you will feel in a different atmosphere as you travel to Ivanovka and along its streets. Make sure to try local dishes and buy some organic dairy products from local farmers – you will definitely come back for more!


The village was founded in 1834 by Molokans from central Russia, who were resettled to the Caucasus by Russian Tsar. It was named Ivanovka after the founder and established a collective farm (kolkhoz), which operates up to this day and is the only remaining kolkhoz in the region.


  • Public toilets
  • Accommodation
  • Restaurants
  • Taxis
  • Shops