Numismatic Exposition in the “Jinn” Mosque


Visit Guide to Numismatic Exposition in the “Jinn” Mosque

Numismatic exposition located in the “Jinn” mosque.

Getting There

The monument where the exposition is shown is located next to the statue of Aliaga Vahid when entering Icherisheher from the entrance behind the “Icherisheher” metro station. That’s why you can easily reach the attraction by metro.

There are also bus stops near the metro station, buses №10, 18, 77 and 65 stop there.

What to Expect

The numismatic exposition created in Icherisheher has a special importance in the study of numismatics and its introduction to the general public. According to folk etymology, giving the name “Chin” to the mosque is related to the fulfillment of wishes of those who come here. Museum exposition is located in the “Chin” mosque, whose history dates back to the 14th century.

Azerbaijan is one of the oldest places in the world that uses money exchange. They changed their size and weight over the years and reached our time. Gold, silver and copper coins belonging to the era of Shirvanshahs, Safavids, Afsharis, Azerbaijani Khanates attract special attention in the exhibition. One of the interesting aspects here is the coins belonging to Albania, Parthia, Rome, Byzantium and Arab caliphate.

During the Middle Ages, the strengthening of trade with foreign countries and the introduction of silver coins to the world market indicate Azerbaijan’s relationship with foreign countries. Exhibits are divided into relevant periods and grouped in different showcases.


Chin mosque is a historical mosque of the XIV century. It is a part of Old City and located on Kichik Gala street, near Palace of the Shirvanshahs, in the city of Baku, in Azerbaijan. The building was also registered as a national architectural monument by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated August 2, 2001, No. 132.

According to the epigraphic inscription on facade, on top of the entrance door, the mosque was built in 1375 (Hijri 777). It is also noted that, the mosque was constructed by the will of Fazlullah Imam ibn Osman Shirvani. For this reason, sometimes the mosque is called by his name. Also from the other epigraphic writing on the facade it gets clear, that the monument was restored in 1772-1773 (Hijri 1186) by Masood Ali. In 2012, substantial repair and restoration works were held on the museum by Old City State Historical-Architectural Reserve Department.

Facilities Available

  • Shirvanshahs’ Palace
  • Restaurants
  • Hotels
  • Aliaga Vahid monument
  • Artim Project Space
  • Shah Mosque
  • Museum of Miniature Book