Zagatala Old Time Square


Visit Guide to Zagatala Old Time Square

Dede Gorgud is the symbol of wisdom and respect to the older generation in Azerbaijani literature. As an expression of our traditions, the statue of Dede Gorgud is rising out in the middle of the square alongside the Russian Orthodox Church.

Getting There

It is possible to catch taxis or buses “Anar Hemidov”, “Car”, “Akhakhdere” or “Galaduzu” (these are the names written on the buses, there are no numbers) at the Central Bus Station in Zagatala, get off at the bus stop near the “Heydar Aliyev” park (locals call it “Galaduzu” park as well), and it is about a 3-minute walk to the square from there.

The shortest way by car from the Central Bus Station in Zagatala is to drive towards the Flag Square, where it is needed to turn right in the direction of Sevil Qaziyeva roundabout and continue straight till the intersection. Turning left there is a must, and after a 5-10-minute drive the square on the left can be seen.Visitors can reach the Zagatala district from the capital city by buses operating at Baku Central Bus Terminal or shared taxis which can be found near the Terminal accordingly.

What to Expect

At present, favorable conditions for children’s entertainment have been created in the area of the square. People had visited this place to rest in the shade of large majestic sycamores for years before they were cut down in 2013 during the renovation. The magnolia tree planted in the square is a rare tree species and existed in 3 places in the former USSR. One of them is Zagatala square.


The construction of the square dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. According to historical sources, the large, magnificent sycamore trees located here have become a place of rest and gathering for the residents of Zagatala for many years. Information about this square, known in history as “Chinar Square” (Square of Sycamores) is given in the book “Tsar’s Chronicle”.  The trees were around 700 years old and unfortunately, they had to be cut down in 2013 due to decay.

The church in the square is considered by many to be an “Albanian” church, but it is a typical Orthodox church, built in a different shape from the Albanian architectural style, with a cross on top.

Zagatala “Chinar Square” is currently called “Dede Gorgud” square. During the years of Soviet rule, the square was called Lenin Square.

In those years, the Zagatala library was built here. Later, the square was restored and repaired in a different form. Most of the buildings on the square date back to the 1860s.

The construction of stairs connecting the lower and upper parts of Zagatala city began in 1939. There are 116 stairs built in 1946, popularly known as the “Gala Duzu” Stairs (Stairs of the Castle Plain), located in this area.

It is assumed that the Poles were the first founders of the fountains here.

The Dede Gorgud monument complex was renovated in 2013 and designed as a park for the recreation of the city population.

Facilities Available

  • Restaurants
  • Taxis
  • Supermarkets