Dushanbe Victory Park


Visit Guide to Dushanbe Victory Park

The park is one of the most solemn places in Tajikistan, where people come to pay their respects to the Tajiks who lost their lives in the Second World War. Over 300,000 Tajiks fought in the war, and over 60,000 died. A total of 72 Tajik soldiers received high honours in the war; 63 of them are honoured here. The park becomes a focus for events on May 9th – Victory Day.

Getting There

Victory Park is located in the eastern part of Dushanbe. It is easily reached by bus 37, getting off at the intersection of Shohtemur and Druzhby Narodov street. It is a difficult 1.5km walk uphill to the park. It is easier to take a taxi from the city centre to the restaurant area, from where it is a five-minute walk to the memorial area.

What to Expect

The main memorial and eternal flame are at the top of the hill, and there are steps leading to the lower level from the memorial area. This area is known as the “Alley of Heroes”. Memorials show the names of the soldiers in the alley who received the title ‘Hero of the Soviet Union’. The park is immaculately maintained, and the many fir trees provide areas to relax in the shade after the difficult walk.

World war 2 memorial, victory park (2) - panoramio.jpg
By Zack Knowles, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link


The park was constructed in 1975, but didn’t officially open until 1985, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the end of the war. At that time a cable car was in operation, but the cable car station is now a restaurant.

Facilities Available

  • Public toilets close by
  • Restaurants close by