
Visit Guide to Independence Square

Adorned with impressive statues, fountains, and meticulously manicured gardens, the square offers an opportunity to see Turkmenistan’s nation-building at its finest, and engage in people-watching and conversation with curious locals.

Getting There

Ashgabat is a vast city with little shade provided along its stretched-out boulevards. A taxi is often the best way to get around the city.

What to Expect

Various events and celebrations take place on Independence Square, including the Turkmen Independence Day Parade and welcoming ceremonies for foreign dignitaries.

On New Year’s Eve the square becomes a lively gathering place for festive activities. Landmarks surrounding the square include the Oguzhan Presidential Palace, Ruhyyet Palace, Ministry of Defence headquarters, and the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.

Other notable establishments nearby include the Turkmen State Library, Ashgabat Olympic Swimming Pool, the State Puppet Theatre, and several foreign embassies.

The square offers a glimpse into Turkmenistan’s national pride and the grandeur of its capital city, Ashgabat. At the same time, it’s a great place to meet locals once they start to enter the square after sunset.