St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Abbottabad


Visit Guide to St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Abbottabad

St Luke’s Church, Abbottabad is one of the oldest Christian community churches, having an elegant and unique structure design in it, located in Jinnah Road Hazara Division. It has almost 200 years passed away, built by British Rulers in 1864. St Luke’s Catholic Church is an Anglican church, and have numerous memorable historical treasure to be seen inside the church.

Getting There

The total distance of Abbottabad from Islamabad is 85 km

By Air: The nearest airport that can be used for air travel Lalzar plateau is Islamabad International Airport 

By Train: If you want to go to Abbottabad by train from any part of the country, there is no train available to go to Abbottabad and village. So you can get off at Rawalpindi Railway station or Peshawar station and go Abbottabad by car, bus and Jeep

By Road: Through a car, you can reach to Abbottabad from Islamabad in one an half hours. The distance of Abbottabad from Islamabad is 85 km.

What to Expect

Pakistan is home to a large number of ethnicities, cultural festivals, religious sites, and languages. This diversity is what gives the country its uniqueness—rooted in centuries of settlements by nations who passed these regions.

The settlers came and developed their places of worship, got the locals accustomed to their rituals, and have over the decades contributed to the many cultural flavors that are celebrated under the umbrella of being Pakistani. You will see a number of festivities all year round such as Holi, Christmas, Easter, Diwali, and the likes, being celebrated alongside Eids. This eclectic mix of festivities is something that has been enshrined in the very ethos of Pakistan.


The work on the construction of St Luke’s commenced in 1854-55, with initial delays due to slow fund-raising and then a brief interruption due to the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and it was completed and then consecrated by the Bishop of Calcutta in 1864. Its jurisdiction covered most of the Hazara region including Abbottabad itself, Haripur, Mansehra, and the Galyat hill tracts.

The Old Christian Cemetery, Abbottabad, was also attached to it. Before the foundation of this church, the local Christian community did not have recourse to a regular vicar or chaplain, and these services were provided occasionally by chaplains attached to various military regiments in the cantonment or by officials deputed from time to time from Peshawar or Rawalpindi. From late November 1864, however, the Revd P Kellner was regular Vicar and Chaplain, until April 1866.

Thereafter, some other notable Vicars/Chaplains here included the Revd Henry Fisher Corbyn, the Revd James GS Symeand the Revd T Bomford. From June 1947 to April 1948, as a result of the independence of Pakistan in 1947 disturbances, St Luke’s was shut down. Regular services resumed only when the Revd Daniel Rashid, at Peshawar, was given additional visiting charge of Abbottabad and Hazara.

Facilities Available

  • Local guides are available
  • People of Abbottabad are very hospitable
  • Hotel and Guest House are available in Abbottabad
  • Abbottabad can be accessible thought local transport and can book a car on rent.
  • Tourism Department helps the Tourist/ Visitors through providing broachers in both Urdu and English languages. The local Police and the local Guides can speak multi languages (i.e local languages, Urdu, English and some of them can speak Chinese also).
  • There is a bus stand in Abbottabad for public transportation.
  • Filling stations are available in Abbottabad which includes Petrol and Diesel.
  • Taxis are available in Abbottabad, on daily rent basis.
  • Shops are available Abbottabad