
Visit Guide to Sulaiman Too

Sulaiman To Sacred Mountain forms the backdrop to the city of Osh, at the crossroads of important routes on the Central Asian Silk Roads. For more than one and a half millennia, Sulaiman was a beacon for travellers revered as a sacred mountain. Its five peaks and slopes contain numerous ancient places of worship and caves with petroglyphs as well as two largely reconstructed 16th century mosques.

Main image: A.Savin (Wikimedia Commons · WikiPhotoSpace), FAL, via Wikimedia Commons

Getting There

Sulaiman Too is in the heart of Osh, Kyrgyzstan’s second largest city, well-connected by road to the rest of the country and with regular flights year-round to Bishkek, and seasonally to Issyk-Kul’s Tamchy airport.

What to Expect

Revered as a sacred mountain for more than 1500 years, the peak of UNESCO-listed Sulaiman Too still attracts pilgrims and tourists to Osh city. Muslim visitors seek where the Prophet Solomon is said to have prayed, while those of a Tengrist tradition ask for healing at shrines said to cure back pain or infertility.

Historians seek out petroglyph carvings, visit the site where fourteen-year old Babur (future founder of the Mughal dynasty) sat for forty days in silent meditation, and perhaps the Soviet-era museum – built into one of the peak’s many caves in 2000 to celebrate 3,000 years of continuous habitation of Osh. The most casual tourists hike up for the panoramic views – especially sunset overlooking the wide Ferghana Valley 170m below.

Facilities Available

  • Osh is the largest hub for tourist facilities in southern Kyrgyzstan, with a full range of accommodation and dining available.
  • Destination Osh unites a variety of Osh-based tourism stakeholders to provide booking services and support that benefits the local tourism sector broadly.