
Visit Guide to Baltit Fort

Baltit Fort is a fort in the Hunza valley, near the town of Karimabad, in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of northern Pakistan. Founded in the 8th CE, it has been on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative list since 2004.

Getting There

By means of buses and cars one can access through the Baltit Fort. It will take 2-3 hours from Gilgit city and few minutes driving distance from Ali abad the capital of Hunza.

What to Expect

A complete experience in Baltit Fort would have to include scenery, culture, some history, and of course, a lot of authentic and local Hunza food (traditionally known for its long life properties).


In the past, the survival of the feudal regime of Hunza was ensured by the impressive fort, which overlooks Karimabad. The foundations of the fort date back to 700 years ago, with rebuilds and alterations over the centuries. In the 16th century the local prince married a princess from Baltistan who brought master Balti craftsmen to renovate the building as part of her dowry.

The Mirs of Hunza abandoned the fort in 1945, and moved to a new palace down the hill. The fort started to decay which caused concern that it might possibly fall into ruin. Following a survey by the Royal Geographical Society of London a restoration programme was initiated and supported by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture Historic Cities Support Program. The program was completed in 1996 and the fort is now a museum run by the Baltit Heritage Trust.

Facilities Available

  • Local guides are available for the guidance of Tourist/ Visitors.
  • People of this area are very hospitable and peaceful.
  •  Hotels and restaurants are available.
  • PTDC, Serena etc.
  • Tourist/ Visitors can access through this attraction by means of Jeeps and Cars.
  • Wi-Fi facility is available.
  • Tourism Department helps the Tourist/ Visitors through providing broachers in both Urdu and English languages. The local Police and the local Guides can speak multi languages (i.e local languages, Urdu, English and some of them can speak Chinese also).
  • There is a bus stand in Ali abad for public transportation.
  • Filling stations are available in Ali Abad which includes Petrol and Diesel.
  • Taxis are available on daily rent basis.
  • Shops are available