Mary Regional Museum


Visit Guide to Mary Regional Museum

Mary Regional Museum reflects the history and culture of Mary from ancient times to the present day, is unique in size and content of the exhibits. Visitors are met by archaeological, ethnographic expositions, and also halls of the fine arts, the nature, Independence and halls of time exhibitions.

Getting There

The museum is located in Mary. You can get there by plane, railway, taxi, bus or private car.

What to Expect

The museum has 6 exhibition sections:

  • The Department of Independence celebrates modern achievements in all areas.
  • The section on the nature of the velayat contains a unique collection of all kinds of flora and fauna.
  • The ethnography section shows the National Yurt, which fully reveals the economic situation of the Turkmen people, equipment for making Turkmen felt, musical instruments and a collection of ancient weapons.
  • The department of fine arts includes historical paintings, oriental miniatures, tapestries, as well as graphics, ceramics and sculpture.
  • The archaeological exposition traces the history of the Turkmen land from the Mesolithic period (our XI-VII millennia BC) to the XVIII century.


The museum was founded in 1968. The museum housed the historical museum of the Turkmengala etrap, the Literary and Memorial Museum of the People’s Poet of Turkmenistan Ata Salih, and others, and in 1990 it was renamed the Mary Velayat United Museum.

In 2010, the grand opening of the new building of the museum, built by the efforts of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, took place. Today, the museum’s treasuries contain more than 40,000 valuables belonging to the historical, cultural and artistic monuments of the Turkmen people.

Facilities Available

The museum is located in the regional center and housing, bars / restaurants, public toilets are available. There is Wi-Fi, tourist information (including in foreign languages), public transport, fuel, taxis, shopping.