
Visit Guide to Big Almaty Lake

This beautiful mountain lake is located in the gorge of the Bolshaya Almatinka River, at an altitude of 2511 m above sea level, 28.5 km south of Almaty.

Getting There

The ascent to the gorge itself is very risky due to the danger of mudflows and, according to experts in mudflows, this lake withstands the tests of nature to this day. The road changes its character dramatically after 6 km from the outskirts of the city. The paved road diverges here.

A very steep road leads to the Big Almaty Lake, starting at the source of the river towards the eastern slopes. The road seems to be fenced off by rocky walls. The Bolshaya Almatinka river flows into and out of the lake.

Despite the steep slopes and difficult road, many people climb to the lake on foot, enjoying the soft mountain air and stunning nature.

What to Expect

It is located in a depression, like a sparkling mirror, surrounded on all sides by mountain peaks. Three main peaks rise above the lake: Sovetov Peak (4,317 m), Ozerny Peak (4,110 m) and Tourist Peak (3,954 m) – they can be seen from the northern end of the dam. To the west of the Tourist peak is the ridge of the Big Almaty peak (a pyramid with a height of 3,681 m), which is clearly visible from the city center.

The lake fed by glacial water is a bowl 1.6 km long, almost 1 km wide and 40 m deep. Depending on the season, the color of the lake changes from pale green to turquoise blue.