
Visit Guide to Koy Krylgan Qala

Koy-Krilgan-kala is one of the few largest, fully excavated ancient sites of Karakalpakstan. The Fortress differs from the other monuments by its original planning. Initially, it was a round two-storied building reinforced by a double ring wall with towers and battlements. Moreover, the Koy-Krilgan-kala Fortress was surrounded by a moat 15 metres wide and 3 metres deep.

Getting There


What to Expect

Terracotta and alabaster statues, ornaments of ceramic jars, sculptured ceramic urns and ossuaries, fragments of wall paintings as well as stone seals discovered during the excavations represent the unique art of Ancient Khorezm. The findings also include some ancient written documents of Central Asia.


Scientists believe that originally Koy-Krilgankala was conceived as a sacred building used for astronomical observations. It may have been dedicated to the star Fomalhaut.Early Koy-Krilgan-kala (IV–III centuries B.C.) was characterized by its monumentality, especially that of the central building, sophisticated defensive system and the presence of large storerooms. Food supplies were kept in grain pits or hums and sometimes sealed. Unfortunately, the rooms were not preserved through the ages.

Facilities Available

Information board (including in foreign languages),