Visit Guide to Batken

Batken Region is the remotest region of Kyrgyzstan, located at the foot of the mighty Turkestan ridge. Situated in the south-west of the republic, it borders Tajikistan in the north, south and west, Uzbekistan in the north and the Osh Region of the Kyrgyz Republic in the east and partially south. Batken city is the Region centre.

The modern transport network of the Batken Region is represented by road, rail, and air transport. Communication is impeded by a complex rugged mountainous terrain, and only roads facilitate the development of road transport.

Locally significant, air transport performs carriage of passengers and mail within the country. 2-3 times a week airports in Batken, Razzakov, Kyzyl-Kiya operate flights to Bishkek.

The vast Turkestan Range conceals a lot of interesting things in its depths. In two days of trekking lie the amazing Karavshin and Leilek Gorges, which received the name of the Asian Patagonia, the turquoise Ai-Kul Lake and the summit Pyramidalniy. In the mountains of Batken Region you can feel an incredible Asian vastness, where for many kilometers you won’t meet anyone.

Aygul, an endemic flower, growing only in the mountains of Batken Region, is one of the region’s attractions.

Key attractions of Batken Region:
  • Ai-Kul lake
  • Kan-i-Gut cave
  • Karavshan gorge
  • Fortress Kan
  • Aigul-Tash mountain

Numerous historical and cultural objects have been preserved on the territory of the region. These include the ruins of ancient settlements of the 1st-6th centuries: Airbaz, Batken, Kairagach, Kaira-Kamar, Kozho-Bakyrgan, Obishir; ancient settlements of the 9th-16th centuries: Bulak-Bashi, Isfana, Kara-Bulak. Moreover, ruins of the mighty Kokand fortresses, such as the Kan and Kyshtut and the mosque in the village of Kairagachin are located here.

South of Rabat village is home to the same name ancient miners’ settlement and not far from the village of Samarkandyk Kann-i-Gut cave that stretches 6 kilometers deep into the mountains and for millennia served as the main source of silver for the Fergana valley, is situated here.


Plov is cooked in Batken Region as well, but using rice grown there, ak-turpak and kenzhe, mainly exported to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. By the way, rice-kenzhe is used for the cooking of Tajik plov.

Batken Region is famous for its dried fruits. During the apricot blooming Batken dresses in a pink lace. Locals won’t sit down at the table if there won’t be apricots on it. But this rarely happens as apricots grow in abundance here, and there are more than 30 varieties.

The geographical position of the region is distinguished by the fact that several enclaves belonging to neighboring states are located on its territory. The lowest point of the Kyrgyz Republic is located in this area at 401 m above sea level (for comparison, the highest point is Peak Pobeda at 7439 m).

The climate of the region is generally continental: dry, moderately warm in summer and moderately cold in winter. With altitude increase the temperature decreases and the amount of precipitation rises. In the areas located up to 2500 m above sea level, the average long term temperature in January is –3.3 ° to –6.9 ° С, in July 25.3 ° –15 ° С. At Temingen station, located at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level, the average January temperature is 8.9 ° С (absolute minimum – 30 ° С), July 10 ° С (absolute maximum – 38.7 ° С). There are more than 530 glaciers in the Batken region with a total area of over 720 km².

The economy of the Batken Region holds a special place in the production sector of the Republic with its industrial potential – mercury in Khaidarkan, antimony in Kadamzhay as well as coal in Kyzyl-Kya and Sulyukta. Agriculture is well set up with apricot, tobacco, wool, meat and dairy products, and fermentation tobacco.

The level of socio-economic development is below the national average, although for certain industries and scope of activities some of the indicators may significantly deviate in one direction or another from the national average.

The production sector of the region occupies an important place not only in the regional economy, but also in the republic and specializes in the antimony, mercury production, coal mining, and fermentation tobacco. The entire volume of antimony, mercury, coal, fermented tobacco, Asian galoshes and national carpets is produced here.

Khaidarkan mercury and Kadamzhay antimony deposits are of global significance due to their high initial metal reserves. The region has high export ratios.