
Visit Guide to Heicheng Historic Site

Heicheng Historic Site is an ancient city ruin located in Inner Mongolia’s far western reaches. The site holds significant historical and cultural importance as a former thriving fortified city that served as a capital and important Silk Road trading centre for centuries. The ruins span a large area, covering 2.4 square kilometres, with remnants of fortifications, city walls, gates, palaces, residential areas, markets, temples and other structures.

Getting There

Heicheng is located in a remote spot – the nearest large city is Bayannur 700 kilometres away. The small town of Dalaihubu is about 20 kilometres to its north and serves as a gateway to the site, with buses and taxis available.


Heicheng’s heyday was during the Tang (618-907) and subsequent Liao (907-1125) dynasties. During the Tang dynasty, Heicheng was established as a strategic military stronghold and garrison for the Chinese empire’s northern borders.

It was during the Liao dynasty that Heicheng experienced its most significant period of growth and influence. The Khitan people, led by the Yelü clan, established the Western Liao Empire with Heicheng as its capital – a flourishing centre of politics, economy and culture.

Pottery, coins, and cultural relics have been discovered that provide insights into the city’s role as a Silk Road hub and its part in facilitating economic and cultural interactions between different civilisations.