Mandshir Khiid Buddhist Monastery and Museum


Visit Guide to Mandshir Khiid Buddhist Monastery and Museum

Mañjuśrī is a former gompa established in 1733 and destroyed by Mongolian communists in 1937. Its ruins are located approximately 15 kilometers (as the crow flies, 43 kilometers by car) south of the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar on the south slope of Bogd Khan Mountain.

Getting There

Located 6km northeast of Zuunmod and 46km by road from Ulaanbaatar, the monastery is a perfect half-day trip from the capital, or can be used as a starting point for hikes into the Strictly Protected Area. If you get here early enough, one possibility to return to UB is to hike back over the hills.

What to Expect

Image of Buddha on stone, ruins of Togchin temple, overview of monastery grounds, pagoda, Buddha statue, View of Bogd Khan Uul from the monastery, 1913 painting showing the monastery at the bottom, Restoration of monastery.


The monastery, dedicated to Mañjuśrī, the Bodhisattva of wisdom, was first established by the sainted monk Luvsanjambaldanzan in 1733 as the permanent residence of the Reincarnation of the Bodhisattva of Wisdom. It came under the personal administration of Mongolia’s religious leader, the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, also known as the Bogd Khan, in 1750.

Over time, the expanded monastery became one of the country’s largest and most important monastic centers comprising 20 temples and housing more than 300 monks. Religious ceremonies often involved more than 1000 monks. The lamasery housed a collection of valuable and rare Buddhist scriptures, including golden script on silver leaf.

Facilities Available

No facilities
