
Visit Guide to Mohenjo-Daro Museum

Well-proportioned white Brahmani Bull rendered in bas-relief engrosses the attention of every on looker to the magnanimous museum building carried adroitly on few pillars and walls. Antiquities un-earthed from various parts of Mohenjo-Daro are displayed at the museum.
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Getting There

Mohenjodaro museum is located off the right (west) bank of the lower Indus river in Larkana District, Sindh, Pakistan.

The driving distance between Karachi to Mohenjodaro museum 439 km. It takes approximately 6 hours 11 mints according to Google map.

What to Expect

In Mohenjodaro museum have many thing which found from this old city, like jewelry, mud crockery, bull cart, human bodies, and other many things.

Well-proportioned white Brahmani Bull rendered in bas-relief engrosses the attention of every on looker to the magnanimous museum building carried adroitly on few pillars and walls. Entry to the site and the museum is by ticket purchasable from the main entrance gate of the campus and at the reception counter at museum.

Antiquities un-earthed from various parts of Mohenjo-Daro are displayed at first floor of the museum. Few reliefs of some important objects, pictorial illustrations maps on walls and curatorial staff offices occur on the ground floor. A beautiful conjectural view of the city of Mohenjo-Daro with river Indus on its background drawn on the wall of first floor is flanked by Museum showcases.

Displayed in forty showcases illuminated by natural light are the chronologically arranged antiquities from Mohenjo-Daro and sites ante-dating to it.


The museum is located in the complex of Mohenjodaro site, along with a guest house and a laboratory, it is located on the first floor, The museum fee can be paid at the main entrance, the fee includes the visit to site for foreigners the fee is Rs 600 and for locals it is Rs 30, the museum is closed on Wednesdays only.

The forty show cases were illuminated by natural light, build in 1960s the museum show cases the artifacts uncovered from the site. The pottery ,Indus seals, jewelry , music instruments are displayed here ornaments made of mud and clay and of Lapis Lazuli , sadly the most famous artifact of Mohenjodaro the Dancing girl is in Delhi Museum and the statue of king priest is in Karachi museum , worth a visit after you have visited the ruins of Mohenjodaro.
