
Visit Guide to Bilgah Beach

Beach area located on the Absheron Peninsula situated near notable landmarks like the “Sea Breeze” Resort and “Bilgah Beach” Hotel in Bilgah district.

Getting There

Bus №171 from “Koroglu” metro station goes directly till the beaches area in Bilgah.

What to Expect

Situated about 30 km north of Baku on the Absheron Peninsula, Bilgah is one of the most popular and frequently visited beaches in the region. Located in a settlement that shares its name, and overlooking the coast of the Caspian Sea, Bilgah Beach is especially attractive for family vacations. At this area there is several public beaches like Amburan beach or Shebeke. These beaches have a lot of water activities.

There is a cardiology sanatorium in Bilgah which is known for its therapeutic mud, giving it health-improving properties. The name ‘Bilgah’ translates to ‘a marshy place,’ which highlights its unique therapeutic features.

Bilgah is also famous for its Saffron, which is known as a best one in a region.

Facilities Available

  • Amburan Mall
  • Markets
  • “Bilgah Beach” Hotel