Bukhara Taki Telpak Furushon


Visit Guide to Bukhara Taki Telpak Furushon

Telpak Furushon (Telpak Furushon the trade dome) could be bought magnificent headdresses: the zolotoshveyny and embroidered by beads skullcaps, fur caps, smartly curtailed turbans. To the building under different-sized corners five streets met; masters solved this difficult town-planning knot, having passed roads between six radially dispersing poles bearing a low spherical dome (diameter of its 14,5 m) on a dodecahedral light lamp.

Getting There

Is a little forward and on the left, there is a mosque Kurpa in the not restored appeal. Almost at the end of this street there is a madrasah Mullo Tursunzhon on the right.

You can get there by taxi and also on foot if you are in Bukhara

Taxi orders work in Bukhara.  Numbers: 1054, 1191

What to Expect

Telpak-Furushon dome (“Caps and Jewelry”), behind which is the mighty top of Kalyan minaret (1127). As you can see, this is one of the few places in the Old Town, where public transport operates:

In the neighborhood is another half-underground mosque of Magoki-Kurpa (“Pit of blankets” named after the quarter where they were sewed). It was built in 1637, that is, it could not have deeper cultural layers than the rest of the city, therefore, most likely it was planned from the very start to be built like Moscatel Mosque.

Like the Russian churches, Magoki-Kurpa has two-stories: a semi-underg Another name for the dome is Kitab-Furushon (“Books and Jewelery”), since before the jewelry sellers it was occupied by booksellers. round winter room and a summer hall open to refreshing winds…

The western passage Telpak Furushon goes outside Mekhtar Ambar. The first building on the right adjoining a wall Telpak Furushon is ancient karavansaray Kuleta (16 century). It is a little forward and on the left, there is a mosque Kurpa in the not restored appeal. Almost at the end of this street there is a madrasah Mullo Tursunzhon on the right.


Toqi Telpak Furushon (in some sources – Taqi Telpakfurushon) is one of the preserved traditional indoor bazaars of Bukhara. It was built in 1570-1571 under Abdullah Khan II, one of the rulers of the Shaibanid dynasty. It was the Shaibanids who began to make Bukhara an important commercial centre, situated at the crossroads of many caravan routes. The symbol for the achievement of this goal were the trade domes that gathered traders from different parts of the world under their roofs.

The material from which the trade dome was built was ceramic tiles. This unusual structure is a kind of hexagon at the base. Such an urban design solution was very favourable in terms of compactness, as Telpak Furushon was built at a crossroads where five streets converged in one place. Its central part is an amazingly beautiful spherical dome with small openings cut through it. The dome is supported by six pylons, it has 12-sided lighting, tourists are especially interested in viewing the dome from inside.

The diameter of the main dome of Toqi Telpak Furushon is 14.5 metres.

Facilities Available

Today tourists can visit Toqi Telpak Furushon to see a building with a long history and buy various souvenirs, antiques, clothes, scarves made by local craftsmen. In this famous place of Bukhara you can still buy a variety of scarves and beautiful hats. You can negotiate with the sellers and lower the price, although it is not as high as the tourists write.

It is pleasant to walk along the colourful eastern trade rows after visiting the madrassas and mosques of the old town. Moreover, there is always a cool shade under the covered shopping arcades and there is always a light breeze blowing. Not far from the trade dome there is a forge where knives and other tools are made using old technology.