

Visit Guide to Pavlodar

Pavlodar region is a region of Kazakhstan, located on the banks of the Irtysh, the largest river in Kazakhstan. Formed in January 1938. The regional center is the city of Pavlodar. The region is famous for its highly efficient mud and mineral spas, beautiful landscapes of the Bayanaul National Park, as well as one of the largest coal mine in the country, open to tourists. And the tourism infrastructure both in Pavlodar and in the region, every year goes to a higher level.
By Plane

Astana and Pavlodar are connected by air. Flights are operated by Air Astana and Lufthansa. Usually there are 20 flights per week, but the schedule for weekends and holidays may change, check in advance.

By Bus

Buses and shared taxis are usually the only way to get to smaller destinations.

By Train

Kazakhstan is developing its rail network, and several high-speed trains now connect the major cities. Other trains are still slow, their speed reflected by their low prices. By train

For travelers who have the time, the train is a comfortable and budget-friendly alternative to the airplane.

The journey, of course, should be started with a visit to the Bayanaul National Park. Huge mountain ranges covered with evergreen coniferous forest seem to grow out of nowhere. Ahead awaits a serpentine road, climbing along which four lakes shimmering with an azure surface open up to the gaze, the most famous of which is Zhasybay. This is a real miracle of nature!

Other natural objects are also of interest, for example, the famous Kempirtas rock, the Auliebulak and Saryadyr springs, also located in the Bayanaul area. Konur aulie (Aulietas) cave is another site to visit.
In winter, the Myrzashoky ski resort operates in Bayanaul. It opened in 2019, the length of the track is 960 meters. Here, the lower and upper stations have been completely equipped with services and utilities, snow retention has been established on the upper ridge of the mountain.

Sacred and historical sights of Pavlodar region

Grotto Dravertarock paintings, Olentinsky Pisanitsy, petroglyphs of Akbidayk are the most ancient sacred sites of the region.

Mausoleum of the scientist, historian, ethnographer and poet Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev (1858-1931) is another site not to be missed when in Pavldar.

The estate of Sultanbet Sultan, a famous Kazakh statesman of the 18th century, one of the associates and cousin of Abylai Khan, Akkelin historical and memorial complex, the estate and mausoleum of Musa Shormanov might be of great interest.

Pavlodar region was formed in January 1938. The regional center is the city of Pavlodar, located on the banks of the Irtysh, the largest river in Kazakhstan. The region is located in the north-east of the Republic of Kazakhstan and borders in the north with Omsk, in the north-east with Novosibirsk, in the east with the Altai Territory of the Russian Federation, in the south with the East Kazakhstan and Karaganda regions, in the west with Akmola and North Kazakhstan regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Pavlodar Irtysh region has everything: flat, endless steppes, a corner of a forest-steppe with birch groves, a pine forest, mountains, and many lakes. The ancient Irtysh cuts the region into two equal halves. Its floodplain is unique and generous.

Most of the region is occupied by the steppe plain, which the Kazakhs from ancient times called “Saryarka” – “Golden Steppe”. It eally keeps tremendous wealth in itself. On the territory of the region is Bayanaul – the pearl of the Pavlodar Priirtysh region, one of the most beautiful places in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This unique creation of nature in the middle of the boundless steppe deserves to admire its beauty. Mountains, pine forests, fauna, lakes Zhasybay, Toraigyr, Sabandykol make an indelible impression. Here is the largest recreation area and a place of pilgrimage for thousands of tourists from all over Kazakhstan and Russia.

Celebrations – section “calendar of events”, where the planned events in the East Kazakhstan region are located.

Despite the fact that Pavlodar region is located in the northeastern part of Kazakhstan, the climate here is not too harsh. In summer, up to +30 degrees, so swimming in the picturesque Bayanaul lakes is the most popular natural attraction. In winter, the frost is quite sparing, but a lot of “snow” entertainment is offered throughout the region: ice skating, skiing and even dog sledding!

Pavlodar region is a large industrial center of Kazakhstan, it is a diversified industrial complex focused on the electrical energy production, alumina, oil refining products, mechanical engineering, food industry and building materials.

The leading industry in the region, providing more than 70% of the manufacturing output, is the metallurgical industry and metal processing.