Turkestan Region

Visit Guide to Turkestan Region

Turkestan region is one of the warm and hospitable regions of Kazakhstan, located in the center of the Great Silk Road. The region is known for its historical sites, including burial mounds, ruins of ancient settlements, fortresses, mausoleums and ancient cities. The region being rich in unique architectural, historical and archaeological monuments, amazing nature and distinctive culture, has great potential for the tourism development, both at the regional and international levels.

Since December 1, 2020, it became possible to get to the center of the region, the city of Turkestan, by air. Khazret Sultan International Airport was opened in Turkestan, and hosts domestic and international flights from the cities of Astana, Almaty and Atyrau. On March 21, 2021, the first international flight Turkestan – Istanbul – Turkestan was launched.

 It is possible to get to the city of Turkestan by rail and other modes of land transport.

On the region soil tourists are provided with services in three types of tourism: ecological, educational and medical. Ecotourism includes visits to 4 specially protected natural areas (Aksu Dzhabagly Reserve, Karatau Reserve, Sairam-Ugam National Park, Syrdarya Turkestan Regional Park). For those interested in historical heritage, there are mausoleums and many historical sites in the region: Arystan Bab Mausoleum, Khoja Ahmed Yasavi Mausoleum, Otrar settlement, Sauran settlement, Keme Kalgan monument in Kazygurt, Ukash Ata mausoleum.

Also, in the city of Turkestan there is a multifunctional modern tourist town “Caravan – Saray” built in the oriental style. Tourists who have visited the region on the territory of Caravan – Saray have the opportunity to visit the flying theater where they can make a unique journey and plunge into the history of the Kazakh people using the latest technologies in the 8D format.

And for tourists who have come to get acquainted with health tourism, the offers the world-famous resorts of the Saryagash region. Horseback riding in Kazygurt, fishing, etonaul to get acquainted with the ethno culture of the Kazakhs can be arranged in the region.

Tourists can enjoy national Kazakh cuisine in more than 15 restaurants in the city of Turkestan.

The restaurants of the Turkestan city serve national Kazakh cuisine, and it is worth a try – you will definitely love Kazakh food. Edem, SKY, Eldorado, Shanyrak are the most popular restaurants in the city.

The Turkestan region is known for its rich history. In the 5-6 centuries, the city of Turkestan, which now bears the name, was founded here. The city became the capital of the Kazakh Khanate during the Khan Yesim reign and stayed there from the 14th to the 18th century.

There are many historical sites and attractions on the territory of the region, one of the most important is the Khoja Ahmed Yasawi mausoleum. It was built in the 14th century by order of Tamerlane, a great military leader who played an important role in the history of Central, South and Western Asia, as well as the Caucasus, the Volga region and Russia. The great philosopher and thinker, Sufi Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, lived and preached in this city.

Many historical figures are buried on the territory of the mausoleum, as like, Kaz dauysty Kazybek bi, Abylai khan, Yesim khan, Khaknazar khan, Tauke khan, Kanzhygaly Kart Bugenbai batyr and others.

Many different festivals are held in the Turkestan region. The most popular are the Tulip Festival, Festival of Artisans, Salburun Hunting Art Festival. Also, the region annually celebrates the Nauryz holiday, which lasts 10 days. On this holiday, the entire Kazakh culture is revived, including national sports.

Turkestan region is located in the south of Kazakhstan, within the eastern part of the Turan lowland and the western spurs of the Tien Shan. The Syr Darya River flows from the south to the northwest of the Turkestan region. The rivers Arys (378 km), Keles (241 km), Kurkeles (98 km) flow into the Syr Darya. In the densely populated southeast, the tributaries of the Arys River are of economic importance: Badam, Sairamsu, Aksu, Zhabagyly, Mashat, Daulbaba, Boraldai.

The rivers Bogen, Shayan, Arystandy, Shylbyr, Bayildyr, Koksaray and others, starting from the Karatau ridge, provide the regional center with water.

The climate of the region is sharply continental. The winter is short, mild, the snow cover is thin and unstable. The average annual January temperature in the north is -7-9°С, in the south it is -2-4°С. Summers are long, hot, and dry.

The average annual temperature in July is 25-29°С. The average annual precipitation in the desert zone is 100–150 mm, in the foothill zone – 300–500 mm, and in the alpine part – 800 mm.

There are polymetallic deposits in the region (the southwestern slope of the Karatau ridge near the city of Kentau, the deposits of Ashysai, Baizhansai, Mirgalymsai, etc.). The deposits of iron ores of the Karatau ridge are of great industrial interest. The region has mineral resources for the production of building materials (limestone, gypsum, quartz sands, refractory ceramics and bentonite clays, mineral paints, small stones).