
Visit Guide to Mud Volcanos

Azerbaijan is home to nearly 400 mud volcanoes, a natural phenomenon caused by underground stores of gas which seep up and bubble through cold mud at the earth’s surface, forming incredible lunar-like landscapes. Ranging from small pools to large mountains, active and inactive, on land and at sea, Azerbaijan has the most spectacular collection of mud volcanoes in the world.

Getting There

Located a 1.5-hour drive from Baku, the mud volcanoes at Dashgil near the Gobustan Reserve are the most popular to visit. Entrance is free, however, you will need to pay for a short taxi ride from the Gobustan Reserve. Alternatively, you may drive to the volcanoes by yourself.

What to Expect

The country is thought to have nearly 400 mud volcanoes and while they never grow to the size of a normal volcano, topping out at around 10 kilometres in diameter and 700 metres in height (among the largest mud volcanoes in the world are Boyuk Kanizadag and Toraghai, both in Azerbaijan), they do occasionally get the chance to show off.


  • Taxis