
Visit Guide to Bukhara Kalon Minaret

Kaylan Minaret is one of the tallest buildings in Bukhara, its height is 46.5 m, and a fundamental part of all its leaves to a depth of 10 m with a diameter at the base of 9 m. Powerful tapered thinning ends up with massive pillar lantern cylindrical rotunda on stalactite crown. You can visit this place within Uzbekistan tours.

Getting There

You get there from airport in 20 min by car.

You can get there from railway station in 40 min by car.

What to Expect

The entire minaret has 12 zones, each of which has its own unique pattern. Now some fragments of the minarets are stored in the branch of Bukhara History Museum.

The silhouette of Bukhara the Kaylan Minaret occupies a large place. It plays the role of the dominant monument of the city. Minaret Kaylan bridged junction with the roof mosque Kaylan, where you can get upstairs through the rotunda of the narrow and steep brick spiral staircase with 105 steps.


Kaylan Minaret is located in eastern part of Bukhara and the history of its construction referred to the XI century. This monument originally served for the purpose of call for Muslim prayers. However later, this high minaret became an observation post, from which followed the appearance of the enemy and also served as a kind of beacon for trade caravans.

Minaret is a sloping pole, built of baked bricks where inside you will find the spiral staircase, leading to the site of rotunda – skylight, based on projecting rows of masonry, decorated in the form of magnificent stalactites. Currently minaret released from the layers of soil in the basement with a depth of 10 meters.

Facilities Available

There are several trading domes and shopping centers, café, restaurants, teahouses, Tourist information ,WI-FI not far from Minaret Tower.