
Visit Guide to Ateshgah Hiking

Ateshgah peak is located at an altitude of about 2500 meters above sea level, 4-5 kilometers from Khinalig village. If you want to visit these areas, you will cross some villages of Guba and meet local etnic groups.

Getting There

If you want to go to Ateshgah peak, it is possible to go 4-5 kilometers from Khinalig village by off-road vehicles or on foot. After going that way, you need to walk about 200 meters. Currently, the footpath is in good condition.

What to Expect

When you will visit Ateshgah peak, you can stay in the villages of Guba where is situated in the same territory. Also, you can taste local dishes of the villages. Also, to go to the Ateshgah territory, it is necessary to apply to the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan in advance and get permission by letter.


Ateshgah peak is located at an altitude of about 2500-2600 meters above sea level, 4-5 kilometers from Khinalig village. Ateshgah is called “Ca yuvr ciga” (place of fire) in Khinalig language. It is considered sacred by the local population because natural gas is produced here. Also, since ancient times Ateshgah has attracted fire worshipers from India. Here the fire burns day and night. Those who come to the temple cut their sacrificial animals in the village of Khinalig, bring their meat to Ateshgah and cook it over the flames that come out of the ground. Then they distribute the meat to the people who come to visit.

Ateshgah peak is located below “Heydar” and “Ataturk” peaks, and the road to those peaks passes through Ateshgah peak. If it is not possible to spend the night in the camp located at an altitude of 2900 meters during the trip to “Heydar” and “Atatürk” peaks, tourists go down to Ateshgah camp and spend the night there.

Facilities Available

  • Hiking
  • Guide services
  • Mealing