Sheikh Juneyd Tomb


Visit Guide to Sheikh Juneyd Tomb

The tomb of Sheikh Juneyd is located near the ancient cemetery in Hazra village of Gusar region. It is believed that this village derives its name from Sheikh Juneyd’s pseudonym “Hazrat”. A visit to this village offers not just a glimpse into its rich history but also an opportunity to engage with residents and experience the unique flavors of the village’s cuisine. While you’re there, you’ll also have the chance to explore various other villages in the Gusar region.

Getting There

The tomb of Sheikh Juneyd is located 27 km from the center of Gusar. To get there, you have several options. You can take public transport from the Gusar bus station in the city center, which will get you to Hazra village in approximately half an hour.

Alternatively, you can opt for a taxi, either hailing one from the city center or using an online service (“0066” taxi service). A taxi ride will take around 40 minutes and will pass through various villages in the Gusar region on the way to Hazra.

What to Expect

During a visit to Gusar region, some tourists also visit Sheikh Juneyd’s tomb located in Hazra village.


The tomb of Sheikh Juneyd is an architectural monument dating back to the early 16th century. Located in Hazra village in the Gusar region, it holds significant historical importance. The tomb commemorates Sheikh Juneyd, who was a key figure in a battle that took place in 1456 between the Shirvanshahs, led by Khalilullah I, and the Qizilbashs, led by Sheikh Juneyd himself. In this battle, Sheikh Juneyd was killed, and his grave later became the site for the tomb. After the Safavids took power in Shirvan in 1544, they constructed the tomb of Sheikh Junayd on the grave in Hazra village.

The tomb underwent a thoroughly restoration in 2007 and now is enclosed by a fence. Visitor numbers vary with the seasons; the site receives a high number of tourists during the summer months, but fewer in the winter.

Facilities Available

  • Public Toilet
  • Parking
  • Picnic areas
  • Taxi