
Visit Guide to Sibi Fort Ruins

Sibi Fort also known as Chakar fort dates back to the 16th century when Chakar e Azam ruler of the Rind Tribe and other Baloch tribes resided here. Historically, It was used as the hometown of Chakar Khan Rind during his 30 years long war with Lashari Tribe. He eventually left the area and abandoned the fort after the victory.

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Getting There

The Sibi fort is easily accessible as it is located at the entrance of Sibi city. One can reach the city by the Quetta-Jacobabad highway or via the railway track from either side of the city. It is easily visible from the city entrance near the Sibi Junction and can be accessed via town road from main city.

What to Expect

The fort has mostly vanished over time and only a small portion remains which is currently under the administration of Pakistan Army. To access the fort, prior permission from the Army is required. However, the outside boundaries can be easily accessed and the watch towers are located near the main wall which are a good tourist attraction.


During the 16th century, Chakar the great “ A Local Tribal Hero “ and the leader of Rind tribe resided in the city. The tribe came into conflict with the Lashari Tribe and the ensuing war lasted for 30 years. During this time the fort was created and used as the capital of his state. After the conclusion of the war, Chakar Rind left the city and moved to Punjab. Over the years most of the fort has vanished due to poor management and maintenance.

Facilities Available

The site of Sibi fort has no facilities.

However, since its located in the city, the city itself has some government rest houses for the guests and tourist along with some hotels in the main market that can be used for staying while on the visit.